This whole computer thing is takin way longer than I expected. I miss mai mv fam ;-; :c
you were already muted for being rude once I believe, so I suggest stating your opinions without adding rude comments afterwards. People tend to...
Thx fam <33
Of course c: <33
My comp is still getting repaired ;-; srry for inactivity guys, just a little while longer and ill be back to having no life! <333 c:
Yes c:
Good to know c: thx for chekin my app! Before my comp broke I started getting into skyblock, skygrid, and infection a lot more, so I may be on...
<33 thx bb
Im so done with life.
Omg I spit that poem, off the dome
When bae calls, a longboarder falls
Bump, even though i havent been able to get on due to comp issues. Ill be back online soon c: <333
Srry I havent been on guys, my computer be coppin a broke af. Should be fixed soon and ill be active again c: I still luv chu all <333
I had no clue xD
Eyyyyyy <33
Ey sexy c: leme slide into yo dm's?
Hey everyone sorry for not being on lately. My computer broke and is currently being repaired, ill be back online soon c: <333
Srry, thers sum1 else ;-; #ripfish
Thanks guys!!! c: <33 (luv chu str)