Ign > JennPlayzMc Player(s) > Texalgo Reason> This player has anti knock back , if you look closely i've hit him 3 times with a kb 15 stick and he...
Ign > JennPlayzMc Players > Craftkiko
Ign > JennPlayzMc Offenders > Oskarveje Reason// He was hacking on OPPvp , You should watch this that i've linked [MEDIA]
Ign > JennPlayzMc Offenders > FCBPRO11 Reason// Player <FCBPRO11> Used a cuss word and I told him "Language" he replied back with "stfu" I don't...
Ign > JennPlayzMc Offenders > SeNn1411 Reason > Player (SeNn1411) was spamming in lobby of skywars
Ign > JennPlayzMc Offenders name > Purifiedz Reason > Player (Purifiedz) was spamming about someone scamming him , Instead of reporting it he...
Ign > JennPlayzMc Player's name > Ferdna Reason> This player <Ferdna> Was advertising a different server and spamming the IP address .
Alright so I forgot my forums account password and I really would like some help with changing my password, I've click that button where it says...
Apparently I caught RubyKid2007 hacking . He was flying all over the map , I finally got a good screenshot
DinoDuck_ has said some very disturbing things. Please ban
tittyboi2turbanz is embrassing me with lies please ban asap
Thathotlinebling has jesus . So as his friend but I couldn't take a screen shot of him. Anyway heres evidence.
Beeples had a stone sword with no enchants .. she hit me once and it made bounce back like how a diamond sword knockback 2 goes...[ATTACH]