Support, :)
Neutral, I agree with the lobby glitch :)
Support, even though it was already suggested :)
Neutral :P it should be longer just not permanently
This does still happen to me in infection.... we should do this for KitPvp also..
Neutral, I do encounter this problem, but I'd much rather have bots that spam away then just to go on a different game mode to chat.
My in game name is Nyath His in game name is iToxicFrog He was hacking [MEDIA]
My in game name is Nyath His in game name is MoonMeme He was hacking... [MEDIA]
My in game name is Nyath His in game name is GoldenBanana657 He was hacking [MEDIA]
I support :)
support... :)
Support, but the diamond blocks/ emerald blocks could be useful for lower ranked people who don't have those blocks in their mines.
It doesn't need to be needed to have something. But it could be used to see peoples ideas :)
My ingame name is Nyath His/her in game name is nokriptonite he/she hacked and hit me through the wall [MEDIA]