Neutral.. :)
Support, why not?? It would be like /kit sapling in skyblock.
No support, reasons stated above.
No support sorry.
Support :).
Neutral, I would love to prevent spawnkilling, but if there was random spots where zombies would spawn.. it could prevent a person going to a spot...
Yes support... this especially needs to be added because of the thing where you stay in spawn when the game starts.
No support, It's just a rule not to cuss anyways :)
YES!! Support! I was on for an hour and a map got on 4-5 times and my favorite one only came once :(
1.Nyath 2.Nyath 3.Nyath 4.Nyath 5. idk
Support, you can't say assist either...
Support :))
Support. :)
Support, just the little things
Just vote :).