Thank you so much for the feedback. :D
No support. You do not meet the requirements to become a moderator. Also be more cative on the forums and in game :)
No support for reasons already stated. Good luck :)
Grats! :)))
My in game name is Nyath His in game name is YouSnake_ He was flying/hacking [MEDIA]
No support, If you would put more information about yourself, and why you want to become mod it would a ton better :).
Okay thank you for the feedback <3 Thanks :>
Thanks for the feedback <3
No support. Reasons already stated :)
Neutral. :)
No support.
Support :).
Support :P.
INTRODUCTION Before you get into my moderator application, I would like to introduce myself. I am a girl and my name Is Casey, I am 12 years old...
No support, I think it is pretty fair
Support, but lower the prices a little like said before
No support :P would increase OP and spawnkilling
Support. :)
Neutral c: .
Neutral.. :)