1. Crazytaco453 2. Savage_Faith 3. Illegal Item 4. [MEDIA] The video got cut off because of lag I guess but Oyy (In-game name) on Opprison saw...
Introduction Who Am I? Hi I am Crazytaco453 (You can call me Taco or Tacu) What Servers Do I Play? I play many servers here are a few, Bedwars,...
/pv 1 isn't working on OpPrison anyone know why??
Would it be awesome to have a donor rank mine? At each mine you would get more of a sell bonus than a regular mine! Wouldn't this please many...
[MEDIA] --Crazytaco453
How old are you? 14 Your in-game name: Crazytaco453 What timezone are you in? EST (Eastern Standard Time) What country do you live in?...
Mineplexgod is making threats to kill my family[ATTACH]