1. Crazytaco453 2. BlackEagleFnaFna 3. Hacking (Not sure the name of hack) 4. [MEDIA]
1. Crazytaco453 2. Ty12474 3. Speed Hacking/ Bhopping 4. [MEDIA]
1. Crazytaco453 2. AffeBananKorv 3. Anti Knockback 4. [MEDIA]
1. Crazytaco453 2. Nowegg 3. Speed hacking/ Bhopping 4. [MEDIA]
1. Crazytaco453 2. Jeffums 3. Speed hacking/Bhopping 4. [MEDIA]
1. Crazytaco453 2. Athen8 3. Anti knockback 4. [MEDIA] hack starts around 2:20
1 Crazytaco453 2. _Lorex9_ 3. Speed Hacking/ Bhopping 4. [MEDIA]
So recently I have been in a poke war with @Auzzi and I need everyone's help! So if its not too much to ask can everyone go to her profile and...
Everyone comment down below what level you are on Pokémon go and you highest (CP) pokémon! I am level 16. Highest CP pokémon is Slowbro CP: 1167...
You Have Mail! Hello everyone i'm here to suggest that everyone gets the command /mail and maybe a new command /inbox. Right now if you do /mail...
[MEDIA] I reported this awhile ago ish.. and it got ignored.
Hello Everyone! Hello im Crazytaco453, So recently our Mineverse dubtrack has been running a little low on members. I would like encourage...
1. Kingcrazytaco 2. Bluedog47 3. Using bad language in chat 4. [IMG] http://imgur.com/ao5upvl
1. kingcrazytaco 2. FeaR_Intense 3. Telling some one to kill them self 4. [ATTACH]
1 Kingcrazytaco 2. VirtualBones 3. Using bad language in chat 4. [IMG] http://imgur.com/YEYREKJ
1. Kingcrazytaco 2. DaTsReDoNkUlAs 3. Player using bad language 4. [ATTACH]
1. Kingcrazytaco 2. ItzJonahMC 3. Advertising Inappropriate websites 4. [ATTACH][IMG] http://imgur.com/kEPOGWg
1 Kingcrazytaco 2. General537 3. Cursing/Bad language 4. [IMG] http://imgur.com/5rYEntu
Today I have a suggestion for the Mineverse community! My suggestion is to created a thread labeled Staff/Moderator Feedback. Under this thread...
[ATTACH] When Your The Only One On https://www.dubtrack.fm/join/mineverseofficial