I am going to have to take my support back, sorry...
By saying this I am in no means attempting to behave like I've been here longer than you (clearly I haven't), but it is not recommended to mention...
That wasn't nice... He was just trying to give you his opinion on the map, and you saying "idc" was rude. :/ I would suggest using some of the...
It seems this matter has been resolved. :) @Scorvix @bananaman11223.
I really don't understand why you have yet to be promoted, friend. D: StrKillr is a really kind and generous person both in-game and on forums. He...
Would you mind checking the conversation I've made with you? It isn't urgent, I just don't know if you've seen it.
This sometimes happens to me, and I end up having to do /island restart (I'm never very far in my builds when this occurs). I hope this is fixed...
Will do. :)
That's alright, haha! :) May I ask why, though?
I'm sorry this happened to you, though I don't believe your items will be returned to you (if I had more on Skyblock I would happily replace your...
I agree that Head-Moderators should be granted this permission, as bananaman said. :)
Your IGN: Danstorm. Offender's IGN: CombosPvPs. Offense: This player is scamming others and is trying to get me to do it as well. Proof: [ATTACH]...
Your IGN: Danstorm. Offender's IGN: captainbrobro. Offense: This player used foul language in public chat. Proof: [ATTACH]
@CypriotMerks. You can try messaging Cypriot to let him know you'd like this changed also. :)
He also said you can purchase the "clear inventory" option from the shop (it's free). If you've already tried this, I suggest contacting an admin,...
@bananaman11223 I believe this is resolved.
I will work on this, thank you for your feedback! :)
I'm working on it, thanks. :)