Glad to hear it guys! :) Alright, well I suppose it's worth a shot? Haha. Otherwise, I guess we'll have to figure something else out. :)
Hello guys! In this thread, I am suggesting two ratings to be added; "Support" and "No Support" (both will be neutral). There are many uses to...
:) So, this most likely will not happen?
Awesome, glad we're on the same page! :) Possibly.
Thanks Awrightgirl! :D
Glad you agree!
I will be making a huge edit to my application sometime this week (more info, color, etc.). :)
Hello Bantz, may I PM you a request to make me a banner for my signature? :)
Hey guys! I do not know how much the HMs are trusted by Noobcrew and CypriotMerkz, however, if they do trust them enough, I believe that HMs...
Support, this sounds awesome! :D
I support you Censor! :)
Every one is beautiful in their own way. :) But yes, she is very pretty.
Hello and welcome! :)
Very nice! I wish I could do this, haha. :)
How do you make these pictures? They're amazing! :)
Danstorm. :)
I'm sorry, I have changed my mind about the form I've submitted. I will be submitting another one in a minute. :)
This is resolved, a moderator can close this now. :)
Hey Str!