Hello again. You forgot me on your list!
Thank you so much! It means a lot to me to have your support! Also, you are commenter number 117. Never forget.
New edit. Shortened sentences as much as possible to minimize and make room. Constantly taking parts out and placing new ones, I guess. Makes me...
Just wondering, was mineverse here during the March of 2013?
If you're really going to quit just because you can't be mod, then okay.. Bye.
I'd like to make a request, but you sound pretty busy by now. If you can tell me when you have an opening, that would be great! :)
Once again in parkour, the conversation took a very wrong turn. Offender is Ashtons6 Offeneder was: Speaking vulgar and advertising inappropriate...
Back from a long tiring hike.
That avatar. I just love it. It just screams out 'Deal with it'.
100000/10 Sandpaper
Step 1. Log in. Step 2. Look for alerts. Step 3. Log out. Step 4. Repeat.
10/10 Keyboard Cat
5/10 Keeping up with the Kardashians
Keeping up With the Kardashians.
Come on, matey. I had this thing on before it be cool. (No, literally, I had it on like 3 months ago 0-o)
Thank you, and thank you!
That avatar. Incredible.