I'm sorry, no support due to past comments. Apparently, you abused, broke rules, and lied trying to make everyone think you are a girl. I know Cyp...
When you put a comment on a thread to put it to the "Recent Threads" section so people will see it. You get 1 bump daily, so I used it. Consider...
I'll use my daily bump.
Don't you just hate when people rate you dumb just because of a simple mistake?
What made you put your name as Glaadiator?
I seriously hate people that do that...
Logged in Parkour. Noticed someone flying. Miner went from the end of 4 to the end of 5 just by simply flying. I don't have a screen recorder, so...
Everyone, this is a report. It's against the rules to comment on a report that you aren't involved in.
My brother went to this carnival with his friends and left me home alone all day. And locked the Xbox so I couldn't play.
So it's kitten profile pics? I guess a lion is close enough :P
Offender is EverGreatest Offender was: Stating racist comments on the British; Abuse[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
yep. [media] In the comments it has darude sandstorm.
Sorry, but was it really necessary to make a thread about this?
This makes me realize that I haven't made many friends here.
Offender: blackbeltmike Offender was: Using foul language [ATTACH]
New reason added along with unneeded part taken out.
Thank yooou :D