I can listen to Nyan Cat for about 48 minutes until I go crazy.
They tried so hard making Catwoman in Arkham City. It was nice and all, but go with GMod.
I have a few problems with this. To start, reading the title makes you sound like you're kinda desperate for mod. If you could change it, that...
Thanks, you two.
Thank you! Thanks for catching that xD It's been changed. Thank yoooou :D
You shouldn't say this. If someone hacked your account when you are promoted to mod, things wouldn't go so smooth. Even though this isn't supposed...
I'm sorry, no support. I can't support knowing that some people are seriously pissed off at you.
Thanks, both of you! I just re-read it and realized it was in an essay form. Great job noticing that :/
I saw a metallic ruler to my right. I will use it to shove it through my head causing me to die so I won't turn and will get out of this the easy way.
That's the thing. More mods/guards online means more time to monitor servers. Right now, I feel like the only person applying that wants to...
Thank you so much! [IMG] One day... Not being modest here, but I'm sure there's better ones. This one is just long to describe and put lots of...
Just woke up to find those weird neighbors at my house again, watching some movie with my older brother.
I'm being honest here. I find it sort of annoying seeing you comment to everything people say and use multiple bumps daily. You can quote more...
Thanks for your second support. Bump.
My bad. I don't think you abused.
Agreed. Sometimes, brutal honesty isn't needed.
Some of the kiddies need to let their vast and bright imagination free. "TPA for sex!!11" "who wants a free slave (im a boy) "bites neck and sucks...