Banned for being the 2nd prince planet. Only 1st prince planets allowed, please read the rules.
Banned for having Goku hair
Banned for not being a cool elephant, either.
Addicted to Netflix.
We will learn that the Matrix is real and @Firo3000 will be Neo, @Glaadiator will be Trinity, and Noobcrew will be Morpheus.
No... I don't believe it... It's not possible...
5/10 I looked it up and got creeped out.
Banned for making me say "whoops" out loud.
Banned for not noticing the star at the end.
"A Pern Ban From Creative or the Lobby without a appeal" Perm*
Banned for finishing a sentence with"XD". *
Banned for starting the sentence with "XD."
Banned for being a bear on a unicorn.
Banned for refusing >:(
KitKid. Kitkat6605910 and Death the Kid.
Banned for being inactive. Get yo but back, brg. its fun talking with you.
I've seen you online a couple times. Even though it was about 2 times, it was pretty fun having you around. A couple things about your mod app,...