Yeah maybe they can implement that.
Your ingame name: EliVdd The offender's ingame name: melgarboy A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking: Anti knockback,...
I've deleted and replaced some of the islands so now there is more space between them and only 7 surrounding islands :) I will update the video.
Thanks :) There
Hello, So I lost my password to my EliVdd account on the forums and I tried *Forgot password* and it send an email to my email but i didnt receive...
Could you please help me with something: I lost my account password of EliVdd on the forums here and i tried to receive an email but it didnt got...
omg your signature though... c:
Bump c:
Ok ill delete and replace Some of the islands so that they Will be farther away from echother. Thanks for your opinion :)
You can't really hop from island to island but Ik its a little close to eachother but that is because of the size of the plot + it Would be easyer...
ok We'll make the middle island bigger ;)
ok We'll try to make it bigger but do you mean Like make the middle bigger or the islands?
Me and Alixylin just updated the map and Made a new middle and a new video. :)
I tested it and I made some walls 1 higher so now they can't Get out of the map. With some exeptions of Zombies hitting players.
IGN/Team Name: EliVdd & @Alixilyn Map Name: SnowFall Gamemode for Map: Skywars Description of Map: Its a Winter Themed Map design With 1 main...
I've found out that people can poison echother to get them killed more easily or just to troll another. This is really annoying because me and...
Thanks c:
bump :)