IGN: EliVdd Rank: Titan Proof: http://gyazo.com/4d161898b1cae7332e8aff2a6e9294fb http://gyazo.com/0657900185f10e80a0fd97879a98c17c
Support, this would be a Cool gamemode to play on ;)
if you go really far then you can find an ocean biome and dig under the gravel to find The Stone.
if you have enough sticks on OPPvP you can make Fences and ladders on it. i think thats an illegal item, but you can craft it. screenshots:...
Support. except for the Nether part we already have Hellblock on Mineverse + Maybe they could add /workbench /furnace /anvil and maybe /echest on...
@froekoewoekoe @jalrod @MADIS0NJR @Archangel175 @PinkMachineGun and @XxYO_MOMMAxX :3
Does anyone know if he was ingame before he voted and got the rewards? EDIT: This happens to all Mineverse servers. Like the new people that never...
this can happen to everyone: If you vote multiple times While you're offline or on another server on Mineverse and you log on another server, it...
There is a /party plugin on prison, it would be cool if That could be inplemented to Kitpvp and maybe also OPPvP. Support :)
Your ingame name: EliVdd The offender's ingame name: BasBoomcraft A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Deathwarp + advertising...
Could you please take a look at this? http://www.mineverse.com/threads/lost-password-to-account-email-not-working.25897/#post-249892 I lost my...
Support :)
Credit To @jalrod For getting me Titan :)
Im not reporting XxYO_MOMMAxX, he was helping me. we were skyping.
Please leave Your opinions or suggestions so we can improve the map Thanks! Bump c:
Support! we need this, it would be more fun.
Freckle, You are a really good friend. You always make me laugh when i see you typing something funny in the chat. You are really helpfull and I...