Hey my IGN is Melissa_bucktin1 I'm god and I've been playing mine verse for like 1 year and a couple month's! well i started playing mine verse...
Welcome to mineVerse (:
1. In-game name: melissa_bucktin1 2. Who you wish to verse: Anyone 3. Did you read the rules? (Yes/No): Yes Im prob's gonna lose but idc LOL!
id sign up but I'm bad at pvp and i don't know where the rule's are at!
i want COOKIE!!!
Hey girl i hate saying my age I've lost so many "FREIND's" by telling people my age today I'm saying it I'm {9} YUP!!! that's right! IM 9 I'm A...
SUPRISING'ly i read it all (: sky block melissa_bucktin1 at spawn ill be waiting FOR THE COOKIES!
I don't remember him and Whalecum :p:p:p:spam::spam::spam: it cracks me UP
i just had eggs = i just had sex like cmon
I fell bad i need money on that but I'm poor Irl )::::
Old Verion Plus it's fun to watch them(:!
%100000000 support!!! (: wonder if some one acedntly Says the cords to his base LOL! and mean to say it to his friend's!! MINE CRAFT IS AWESOME
Well that's cool (: %100 support:rolleyes:
more like 20=10 people well TntRun is for like HyePIXEL! mine verse Ahh nvm! idk what to say here 10/6 Support sorry
Uhh so much support plus when i trying to use XP! people want go away and i have to go out in pvp to use it, AND! yeah i fix armour and some guy...
What's this for? I haven't been to sleep all night and its 12:4 AM! so yeah....
ok Thanke's (:
Well i want to report a Scam but there's no op faction's to report him on >:I umm what the heck!
Ok.. that's a bad thing how? :P Hehe
Nope just now infected! ask people :3