uncle do u want my 550 lvls?
wait so I can have some money for all ma lvls?
In-game name: herobineanator How much will you give on KitPvP: the rest of my 550 lvls in enchants and all my money I ever get XD Timezone: gmt
bit more detail and possibly make the layout look better. also calm down when ur stuff gets taken, (its just a game) if u improve these things...
il do the prison trade if uve got any money left
no I lost 10million dollars worth of stuff and all what u lossed
I am starting to get more but its only a few dubs of starter crap and a few good stuff
I hope no one finds it cos il lose a years worth of voting emeralds and stuff bought with it
I just started playing skygrid again and I used my 300 vote emeralds to buy lots of sponges. I used these to protect a house I built then invited...
no but he wants people to read it lol
because people read suggestions
im in the prison guard room :3
kinda but I think it could also encourage more people to play I don't mind, after all this was just a suggestion
OMG THX GUYS :p (1st idea that I've had that anyone's liked)
how do I do that?
I know Cyp and Noobcrew are updating infection and whatever else but I've had this idea for a really long time now and I want to share it with...
I put the screen shots of the trade on opfacs
whats so kewl about this old 'lycaon ' pickaxe?
Your ingame name: herobineanator The offender's ingame name: bubbaclowe34 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: scamming...