its still broken for me cyp ;o;
do you play any other gamemodes?
my money
for windows 7 I do upload file and type %appdata% then .minecraft and screenshots before highlighting the screenshots I want and clicking open
is there any way you could take the money from my account and give it to tyler?
I voted 20minutes ago..
its the bottom one tyler
for some reason I cannot do pay to anyone even though I have lots of cash
people these days....
Your ingame name: herobineanator The offender's ingame name: Mr_Unarmed A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Ddos Threats...
one downside is, is that it nerfs all kits under mvp because it means people are paying for sommat that they can get for free :P
who is this guy.... OH WAIT ITS OFF PRISON TIN GET IN MA BELLY!!!!!!!!! ;3
they should make It so everyone has to play fair E.G NO ONE IS ALOWED TO VOTE 32TIMES IN A 30DAY MONTH ....
as well as this can someone please fix the BLOODY PRESTIGE 8 , 9 AND 10.
no its now the same as the rest of the server. im trying to imply this version was an still is better..
Now, I've noticed that a new party system has been put on mineverse which allows you to create parties with your friends and friend people that...
@TheMysticMiner (facepalm)
when u log onto kitpvp u go out and u get killed by some random nub in like 4 hits when ur wearing 4 and they take 0 damage... also when u sign...