I didn't wanted to post in Agusoff's appeal, But he's right in one thing, There are lots of Experienced players of PVP That can do HeadTwich, Is a...
Still Supporting this App Cuz M8<3
Uh, I almost forget this. If you're leaving ill do this w/ you for the last time U WOT M8 Thats Rude:cool: See you later Rekted :lol:<3
I don't agree with everything in this post but i know that i like you in a part of me :P So Before leaving add me on Skype, Ill PM my Skype Acc so...
Monstercat is OP.
@Philip320 Here you have the Rules: http://www.mineverse.com/threads/forum-and-server-rules.838/ Please tell me wich one i broked saying that...
Omg! He's profile is bad, Im a Rule Broker for that? Seriously you're reporting me for that? I can't belive it :eek: You should keep calm kid.
Omg ill love u if u pass me that Pack! http://www.mineverse.com/threads/kitpvp-zekro320-meanmachine-kill-aura.29714/
YOU'RE DOING UPGRADES? DATS COOL BAE GET ME SOME OF THAT ASDJKASJDKA! Joke. I wont keep disturbing you w/ that kind of things. Just wanting to...
Get Rekt! [IMG]
Windows XP Im so OP w/ my Old System. I diserve an award.
Yeah, This is a Fake Picutre Made by @Philip320, I made this picture to help people understand where's the fake and how you can know this picture...
I know i don't have to post here, But if you don't mind ill look this Picture, since im a Graphic Designer and i know how to do this kind of Fake....