Mmmm I Still Alive♥
I cant belive you're leaving, i would love to play with you one more time, i have been so inactive but i cant let you go just like this, You're a...
Mkay, F4ck Life.
@3yerrt Please, Can you close this? ;_;
You just commented for saying that? -.-" What kidz
Bumping this thread :o I want to know what new people thinks about it.
IGN? iJoacok What Rank? Im Actually MVP, But i want a rank on another server. Are you a Scammer? No im not, i actually created a thread about...
Deleted, Now you can stop crying.
**DO NOT CUSS ON FORUMS**, Being Poor suck. Not really Poor, but poor where you can buy a 10$ Rank ;_;
Missing You i think, that sound so geeeeeeeey
You said you already solved it, So what the heck are you saying Conor... Do what ever u want lel.
If anyone have some money and want some items
Ayeeee I wanted to put this on here to know if anyone can buy any of this ranks for me, So ill say the price of the rank and you will name your...
Since i need a rank on another server, and it is so expensive, You think ask for 100$USD rank buy its a waste of time or any of u is able to
You were my friend since nothing, My fully support! After so long time you still being my friend so im sure you diserve to being mod. Good Luck...
Looking for some old Friends♫
[media] Video Link
Your ingame name: iJoacok The offender's ingame name: xXSweHdXx A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Kill aura (Very Hard,...
Just Love.