my ign: munchy101 offenders ign: DARKXCIutch_69 rule broken: ban evading evidence:
my ig: munchy101 offenders in: psg321 rule broken:hacking evidence: screenshots this screen shot shows a player in an unreachable place on the...
My ign: Munch101 Offenders ign: BaccaNinja12 Rule broken: profanity Evidence: screenhots
you will find that I told him he sucks and anger he told me to kill myself
my ign: munchy101 offender ign: Robisgreat10 Rule broken: idk actually what the real name for it is but, telling me to kill myself Evidence:...
no support, I play infection daily and it would just be frustrating to loose my p5
have you considered why people hate you :)
my ign:munch101 offenders ign: Robisgreat10 rule broken: disrespect, this is also a common thing @Robisgreat10
I have been given an hour mute for saying "xxx" and as an auto message it said I was advertising, I was referring to the player xxxvan please can...
my ign: munchy101 offenders ign: jerry_jelly rule broken: abuse evidence:
evidence: @fryzigg
very sorry technical difficulties screen shots in a few
My ign: munchy101 Offender ign: abyssboy27 Rule broke: swearing, verbal abuse (still counts as verbal)
i think it should be left were it is, people shouldn't be able to back out of a fight like that
yes that's what this is about, but if more than one person survives who gets a level
well if they hide, survive, I don't see why they shouldn't get a reward, anyway I don't think there is a more fair way of doing it
I think if they can be bothered getting a chainmail skin let em keep it