Lol yup. Hi/welcome :P
Thank you :>
Meh it's k, just wondering why it's a negative rating O_o Doesn't matter anyway, those are the first negative ratings I've gotten in over a year...
Pls bby no I'm sorry
It's because you're a nub
It looks like the MV mods run a pretty tight ship around here, but as a moderator myself, I know that there's always room to improve.
Salaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Hi
They should. Of course, I'm not 100% positive they do, but I'm 99.9% sure. It's a needed command.
What do you mean?
That's what would happen anyway, death warps are always to be deleted. If the player happens to delete the warp, then you'd need a screenshot of...
I disagree. There's times when people leave for a while, it would suck to come back to find all your hard work gone. And having it reset if the...
Mods should have /warpinfo, they should be able to see who's warp it is and be able to tell if it was intentional or not.
Drop all your stuff off and warp there again. Take a screenshot of the chat saying you warped there and where it warps you.
Death warps are very far from being allowed. However, they're not all intentional. If you find a death warp, take screenshots and report it to a...
Hi and thanks! :D
Lol, typed that on my phone. I derp like that sometimes :s But I fixed it :P
Thanks :)