1.TheSlayer572 2.XxClutchkidHDxX 3.Video 4. [media]
1.TheSlayer572 2.rednas6 3.Video 4. [media]
1. TheSlayer572 2. IPAD1201 3. 2 videos of him using kill aura 4. [media] [media]
1.TheSlayer572 2.Diamond_Elite28 and HUNTERBUTTMEN 3. [media]
1.TheSlayer572 2.TheBleuMC 3. [media]
sorry i placed it in the wrong section so i deleted it
1.TheSlayer572 2.awilweiss 3.Hacking (anti kb) 4. [media] Only the first hit with my kb stick worked cause he probably turned it off after i hit him
Maxninja said it would take a 24 hours before i get banned so i didnt past 24 hours so Chloyy should be demoted because that was an incorrect ban...
1.TheSlayer572 2.Fendodo,uriagus99,atillaatilla, and francoencalada 3.Trapping 4. http://gyazo.com/a384e6fcfb0955e7f3b68e470b5f3c4a
1.TheSlayer572 2.Beaker64 3.Advertising 4. http://gyazo.com/ba3a01dd292efa039bf854ed91948f21
1.TheSlayer572 2.LeadPlayer 3.Ddos threat 4. http://gyazo.com/20d16a3cf297622d5e9f17fec7ac8e80
1.TheSlayer572 2.xXBlazeCraftXx 3.Advertising,Spamming, and using illegal command 4. http://gyazo.com/1c3e28a53364ad806d78c2754a60e836
1.TheSlayer572 2.JakeBenH 3.Admitting Hacks 4. http://gyazo.com/32207e3b7e10c029c463da2b5d56b208 http://gyazo.com/2067b930af1b7b5906008cbb9000dab4
1.TheSlayer572 2.valterfrej 3.advertising 4. http://gyazo.com/08dcfbf596cf7ca4bc16cdd95528cd2e
1.TheSlayer572 2.MiH_Twizted 3.Advertising 4. http://gyazo.com/333392dd2ee74667c4a911624cccd97b
1.TheSlayer572 2.LumiMilu 3.Admitting hacks 4. http://gyazo.com/deb57425a8a324776a9ad0c86543c777
1.TheSlayer572 2.RACHETGrapes 3.Illegal command 4. http://gyazo.com/8fbcb134f02d96ff8ea1c6e6137c0468
1.TheSlayer572 2.Minecraft_Logicz 3.Advertising 4. http://gyazo.com/cf919bfd0c56bb69ea485fd0971581a6
1.TheSlayer572 2. Philip320 , William335a , and simonrock75 3. They were trapping. Philip320 posted a video of himself trapping... 4. [media]
1.TheSlayer572 2.Frobolete_HD 3.Hacking 4. [media]