Support if this gets added aswell
Support bro
Dark is the best show on Netflix
Support I know I messaged you in-game saying they shouldn’t reset/revamp op, but I thought more about it, and now I agree with you. Op’s economy...
Resupport, why didn’t they change it already ??? It’s not that hard
-Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka? -Death Note ( <3 ) -Sword Art Online -No Game No Life -Nanatsu no Taizai -Naruto -Tokyo...
Your IGN: gini Your Rank: God Teammate's IGN: Etdz Teammate's Rank: God
Bump and re-support , why isn’t this a thing already ?
Idk if i already supported you, but wtv, full support bro!
hide this please.