Support Please add for prison
Survival inst old
Also D**k Can mean Duck Dark and other things I don't see why you think of "Dicks" Keep that to your self
If you can't read it clearly says Auction has ended with no bids so I don't see how this is auction scamming, Also if you read the rules it says...
Much wow So support Yus
literally like ur 20th intro
The Cake Continues to be a lie
LOL No just don't even bring that up
#Here Before There was Mods
I saw you ingame, you seem like a Nice player hope to see you again
Yes, I wanted a Logical Explanation and I understand what happened.
I requested she close it but thank you scofu
Take your time
Your Forums name: Camel ;) The offender's forums name: @Ducky @_Ducky_ A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...
Your forums name: Camel ;) Moderator name: @kitkat6605910 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Warned me for harassment an...
Excually how I felt when reading
@Pile_of_Butts @ScoFu13 @Camel45 @Camel45 legit1337) @CamelxBANNED :P @camelijah @camelhaxor @Camel1337
I Thought this was a Im high on Lsd Thread until I read the thread about 3 times
Happy Birth Day Same Idek who u are