Support ;D
Support!!! ;D
Bump :p
L3sbian of the Year>?
Nice App, Much support , wow Good luck bro You would make a good guard
No support U scammed if u had Mod I could see you abusing /invsee
Tagges Mods for attention Nice
I would take a bullet for @ScoFu13 @Pile_of_Butts @thorraks1 @ohhglaze
Good App Support :D
BUMP whats that
Support ;)
Sorry, I Don't associate with skids
He says we wouldn't be able to see them in /list or /who so thats the perfect spot to be in to abuse (oh let me just have my Mod+ perms and go...
Yea no Im sure that Cyp nor Crew needs ppl flying around in /v abusing ffs this is a old topic
I would support but you have been banned few times for disrespect and i don't thing they want that in the community also you threaten players...
Ur mod app looks like a rainbow threw up IF U CANT TELL NO SUPPORT
It is funny how "HACKED SWORDS" which are just swords that CYP made are still around but in general these swords have no special ability anymore...
Good role model I am who I am because of CoolRobot Zeus (OG Zeus) chris and stee support ;)
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Most r useless