Sweet, thanks.
Your ingame name: zTanay The offender's ingame name: MattDurfee A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Cursing....
Yes, we all thank you for pointing out the obvious.
Wasn't an excuse, just simply telling you that it wasn't hacks but alright.
That wasn't hacks, but alright as I told you before and as the others experienced that I was lagging in that moment of gameplay and I would be...
Oh sweet, whatever you want bud.
Your ingame name: zTanay The offender's ingame name: Sphereddraptor32 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Inappropriate use...
Yes and I was banned for that fair and square, I was boosted up to that location and you saw it yourself.
And he's still hacking even now. +1 for ban @InfectionServer
You're half right I wasn't there at the time of action yes, but… I've seen you and Haydos hack a lot on the different servers
Same lol Noobcupcake is hacking making his screen look checkered Sweet do it for me too Noob it looks cool
Haydos and Nilrac are the real hackers -.- They glide up into impossible places on infected used fly hacks to get completed on parkour etc....
Alright cool
Your ingame name: zTanay The offender's ingame name: Miritelm A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: - Advertising a server...
Your ingame name: zTanay The offender's ingame name: lll0008 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking - Flying...
Lol Wut?
Your ingame name: zTanay The offender's ingame name: Trains04 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Using the command that was...
It shows you that on screen sometimes dood :/
Hey what do you know looks like I hack aye xD *cough* Or maybe I just spammed right clicking my mouse. *cough* Don't ask about the cough its winter.
You saw me hacking on lvls 10 and 11 ? ok when I was doing it with a friend ' LEGIT ' and you claim you saw me when you weren't even logged on at...