i do 7 or 8
it me Jr
what do u mean my ign is DinoDuckJr
well u see me in game XD
IGN DinoDuckJr Age:16 Skype:don't use it Rank:Elite Why should we accept me Cuz I'm nice and decent at pvp (cuz I'm a girl):p A great potential...
What kinda name should I change too
-Age 16 -Skype Don't use it -How good are you at pvp maybe 7/8 cuz I'm a girl -5 reason I like to join this clan 1 Clan wars are fun 2 I like...
Thx but I need it as soon as possible
Ummmmm no???
How d how do I do it and how do I know he's on
Well I need it as soon as possible so I can update to God rank
Nah I don't care about the 10 dollar I just need my elite rank as soon as possible so I can update to God
Yea thx 10 Ain't nothing to me
Ign DinoDuckJr —_—(PopLatestHugz)
Well the mod said he will tag it on cyp :p
Ok I don't care I just need my elite Idc about 10 dollar xD
Than can I get my elite rank back???