;)Y'all want to ask me question private or talk to me my Kik is Plushylovemc
No u still don't know me XD
I think I'm like da worst in da clan XD there's 2 girl :) in da clan yuss
XD u don't know me barely people know me cuz I only join for a month :p
Ummm idk
U don't know me :)
Lol welcome XD Now good luck to fight with us XD
XD I'm back to OuterHaven :)
Thx for following
XD it ok ur in I know u
U know revolves I know XD
Try TryHeartPvP is Revolves
Who's the 2 Ima remove them
A ccpet sorry for the late reply but u have to try out
O Oh her ez why anyways she's annoying she team me so idc she will fight me anyways
i did sorry T>T i might be back in few month or ima use my alt which is unknown
ummm arbic it full
Accept sorry for the late reply