How many time did you get Skilbill63 false ban? Alot eh.
Can anybody tell me how to improve my latency connection to mineverse?
you mean when you in spawn your just afking, I've never seen you tried to help any other players before. All you do is talk smack in the chat.
Herf and yet all your doing is crying over this post.
Yeet is a mod on hcf..
I use the lily pad because its the only way you can cause one when you wanted one.
Cps doesn't matter in 1.9 so all the people with bad ms will just get destroyed.
Hello, one of my friends has got banned for 'no kn' however he was glitched out. Heres the video [MEDIA] you can see that he was lagging badly...
No support. LOL
50% support ROLF. Why? Because i know that you wont be on longer then 30mins.
Still better then mine ;[ From uk to where the server is hosted #uklife
Yea, i lost my frist p4 set too M007 with his thorns 1000
Welcome, to the forums!
When your be hide your computer you untouchable.
Thanks sir. I feel better now ;]