Haha Thanks!!!
Please >:D
Aww thanks but i gotta say @Xolr and @Stalagg even though Stalagg doesn't play anymore he is still one of the best if not the best. Didn't even...
Wasn't hitting him he. As you can see he had his bow back and my hand doesnt move. I did hit him once but it after thorns could have effected me....
Yes i noticed the player behind him but i was being hit backwards which wouldn't make any since what so ever if the player behind me was hitting...
im Hottttttttt
Ign:EliteArcher Their Ign:SelfiePvpForU Rule Broken:hacking [MEDIA]
Ign:EliteArcher Their Ign:JugglingToddler Rule Broken: Scamming [MEDIA]
Support like clx said add more stuff though
taconum Thanks and sorry for late response on phone at moms and this is laggy
Bumb, wanna thanks you all that supports means more than you know <3
[MEDIA] My IGN:EliteArcher Their IGN:TrashPackJr Rules Broken: Hacking
Thanks Jesse
Awesome guys!!
Thanks guys so much!!! Same as blackzone?
Same <3
Well that's the thing, it influences people to buy more ranks. Like your said keeping the server going. I wish i could discuss this when it wasnt...
Thanks delta means a lot!
Ayee thanks bro <3
And to you too! just popped up xD i said maybe titan should get 4 because they spending another $150