Haha Thanks <3 O: Same
Thanks Hah No Problem Yeah But Change Is Good Every Good Once In A While Right?
This was a bad joke... @NoMoreSanity Can u take it down xD Sorry
i'm addicted to sponge, if i dont get sponge in the next 1T years i might die, of natural caused ofc
Thanks!! I have a video uploading right now i will link it as soon as its uploaded
Thats a lot more than i expected Thanks!! <3 Alright, I'll be on it lol Understandable..
https://gyazo.com/a94caf703169b6650c1a9af896c10668 Fake one was fun thou xD...
Huh, Bump, This Thread is dad one last shot xD
Its called a donation rank, its a donation but u get things for donating, the commands are just a bonus
This is a giveaway O: but im not giving anything. Noobcrew Cypriotmerkz TannerLittle And JustMatt should do a Dp on every server :3 rares like...
No support, A lot of people would quit, including me. And like everyone else said the spam D:::::
IGN:EliteArcher Their IGN:BroProMiner Link: [MEDIA]
Am i gonna get back my stuff. I understand lots of things malfunction in this server, but if i don't get my stuff back imma be super salty xD....
My Ign:EliteArcher Their IGN: BailzPvp Rule broken: hacking ofc [MEDIA]
no support. even is people dont play it some do, and some people might have a while back and spent a lot of time on it. What happens when you get...
Lmao, i was checking if it was u and the 1v1 i wanted to see if u would say sure or in kit archer, just making sure
We, or atleast I know it wasnt you
ohh .-. well then I got it
What? Like i said i cant use that link because my email adress is like dead xD
Idk how, whenever i try to go into google it says someone has been trying to log in too much so it locked it