Thanks :D
Disable axes in archerpvp, they got enabled again when they were taken off shop.
Why u no give me sand on Opprison ;3;
That means next is a mute D: for a whopping like 20minutes xD
wazzup, Why did you report me then say hi on my profile Wtf xD
You Poke me, I Poke you... Good old Poke Wars....
GG guys i had lots of fun! Thanks for making this tourny @Exstatisfy
I thought it was AM got up SUPER early.... Found out it was PM
Still thinking just wanna give someone a present :P You willing to do it??
Thanks <3
43k and yeah -.- makes me mad xD
He says he stopped scamming, i dont get scammed either it was only 350 on archer but i recorded him i purposely got scammed cause imma savage....
If You Have Been Scammed By JugglingToddler Say I Below i will Count up the results on the 25th I wanna see how much people he has scammed x3 Say...
Giving 850 on Archerpvp for a $5 Pm if you're interested or comment down below and i'll pm you
IGN EliteArcher Rank is God Will i be able to get on..I can try to get up at 6:30 :p i probably will PP4 Right
Bump :D
About 9.5T
How much u looking for on Opprison??
Thanks, Yeah Space is good, i made this when the community was growing, dying down a little but still many people on :D
Bump <3 Thanks again to all who supported or gave ideas!!!