Wanna do that deal Tanked? ;3 By the way Welcome to the forums xD
LAZAGAAAAA (Youtuber Reference)
Bump Still wanting to get a friend prem
No Brain
I buy them for the same ;3
If you are interested in selling me the fishing rod here are your choices 1:1,000 on KitPvp 2:8500 on skyblock, 2 stacks of grass and a stack of...
Lol sorry i forgot im off today no clue why
Got told i was getting Doxed and told to kill myself... Dox threat i know if illegal so more than a month ban would be suitable x3 My...
IGN:EliteArcher Why i want the money:Im on the road to baltop 1
Talk about spam posting....
Being honest.... I have no clue why it would matter to you what a co-owner does... shes a mod and just act like she's getting paid for being such...
Stalagg :'c when you getting on summer you need to get on again
EliteArcher God Yep ;3 I'm gonna lose but i can get and donate money.
Good to know
You were not getting the question -.- i was saying why not just take them away?
Yup... i can look up the definition if you really want me to
Take them away?
lol still waiting for a good response from a mod Thanks for all the help thou peeps :P
I was told it wasnt and me and someone else got into a argument Alex said she doesnt think it is... So did jhow and Kinsey said it wasnt a offence...