it dosent exist anymore?
i thought /! only worked on KitPvP?
this sometimes also happens to me...
in factions, can't you just do /f perm [fac name] container enemy no to make chests locked for enemies?
in the chat, does it say that you voted and got worldedit for 6 hours?
do you have any evidence?
1. brick707 2. Vip 3. 4-6 4. prestige 0 :I (Ssgt)
this looks like render lag
btw i only lost it on kitpvp
I lost my vip rank because i voted and it got me commander on kitpvp
Did you click the Thing that is on top of the username thing?
Did you do the capatcha thing?
He's hacking
the anvils on factions are gone again
i bought vip and in the donation thing it said u can type in color codes in prison but it dosent work
ban for saying mineverse
nvm i saw in the chat that bowser killed u
i think i saw a person behind u hitting u.