Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: _TheSwagger121_ The offender's exact ingame name:...
ggg guys gl next Month
Hi Guys my Name Is brad But im Known as Swagger I recently Started playing Mineverse again after having a Year Off And im Back now and im going...
Lol gg
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name:_TheSwagger121_ The offender's exact ingame name:...
Just listen to the sound : 15secs 40secs 55secs 59secs That sound is Gear Breaking and You can Clearly see him hitting me as his stuff breaks
Pick a Good Time
Just Vote On The Combat Time You Would Think is Best
I Support This Plz Make it Longer It Takes 1 Epearl away And u can log Instant Make it like 15 sec
Nice to Meet you im Swagger
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name:_TheSwagger121_ The offender's exact ingame...
Just be patient And they will have it fix