How old are you?I Am 13 Your in-game name:Ignacykrokos What timezone are you in? What country do you live in?I Live in Uk(orginaly from poland)...
really ares am in the group xD
can i be admin or co xD
i wohish you could make a skywars team or some thing
he has too let me in nasa cause i gave him a becon and i got screnshots
IN!NJAI is getting baned
kub i am there too
IS that a joke
1.I Am 17 2.My In-game Name = ignacyKrokos 3.I Am in the Same Time Zone As The Server 4.I Live In The UK 5.I Speak Polish English and a Bit...
kubasliz your not my frends any more griffer
not rest add a knother survival server
cause ther was pvp in the end and nether and people made a clan ter and had wars that was very fun i would lovfe thast again
that@s why i like this server cause in the overworld to you cant fight casue people will kil yeah other all the time and no frends shipes
my in game name ignacykroks 2.ofender ingame name ramzombi29 dy broke a pull . use a rube name on sword 4.evivdanec screen shot [ATTACH]
lol ingame name ignacykrokos 2.offednder ingame name peppyham 3.A descrption of which role and how they broken it : He Lava Trap Warp:Elite (He...