It doesn't matter he could be joking
Yup obviously he is hacking
Yup Sooper is right
How do you know spooky is hacking he might be really good at pvp
Onion is completely correct
He does not have Anti-Knockback and we can't tell if he is using kill Aura or not because we did not see his head spin around and hit somebody,...
Spooky doesn't hack
It is not that clear that Spooky is hacking
tjenkins i dont hate you but no support because I have seen you hack on your alts after tjenkins6123 got banned
Yup he should get banned
this was taken before spooky got banned he doesn't hack anymore
yup he should get banned
No MCExplore would never scam anybody samm1402 you are just mad he killed you with your prot 4
I think there should be a admin rank because mods can't change things that are glitches or bad and mods can't make other people mod and the people...
Combat log should not take away your items I think it should temp ban you for trying to escape that way but it should not take away your items
Rakion I think u should ban chocolate because lots of people messages kewlmcdude that he is hacking and I also saw him flying
Wow I never knew u could be banned from playing mineverse
#Smartloser would be a awesome mod i SUPPORT SUPPORT SUPPORT
Yup I always run away from him cause he has kill aura