I would like to see sooperaya's decision since he is the Owner and im really good friends with him so let him decide.
Techno your probably clicking too fast.:p
Your Ingame Name: ninjasap421 Rank:Rate yourself from 1-10: 8 or 9 Do you know me?: yes I've known you since a long time Have you teamed with...
This was recorded one month ago. And I told craftedhuman to remove it for 1 set of p4. this is old.
old vid.
Yup dat kill aura doe. ban him
progamer6 mostly all my bans, they were wrong bans
You need a video to get me and quad banned, just because we messaged you in-game saying that, it doesn't mean we will get banned. its not enough...
1st, how is that scamming? 2nd, You don't get banned for lying it was a 1v1 and then it turns out to be a 2v1. You can only get banned for...
first, DjRyan it's *ninjasap421 second, we said it was a 1v1 and we lied about that. But we didn't trap you we were above spawn and me and quad...
No Support.
Why don't you play kit pvp anymore Spooky?
yes I am ninjasap421
Sorry quad, my minecraft crashed and I died I think, did u die?
Daddy got demoted because when he banned MCExplore he said " you will not be unbanned until I approve " so he got demoted