What do you mean?
And frede1 you stepped on the pressure plate without getting launched. That means you have anti-knockback you should get banned.
quad it doesn't matter its not enough proof
Clan Name: Surge Why do you want to Truce? Because I have some friends in this clan and me, sooperaya and quad are friends Do you know anyone in...
That's not hacks its called Skillz
Ik I will ignore progamer6 because he's not supposed to message here cause he wasn't involved.
I only posted comments unrelated to this because progamer said I "ninja if u don't hack why have you been banned over 6 times?" and plus your not...
progamer6 almost half of them were wrongful bans
1. I don't hack 2. I was disrespectful cause DjRyan kept spamming me that I suck at pvp and that im gonna get kicked out of sooperaya's clan so...
craftedhuman don't lie. You recorded me 1 months ago then I told you to remove it for 1 set of p4. Then because I killed you in kit pvp. You said...
No I am ninjasap421! ninjasap421 is another one of my accounts.
Oh nvm he made me Head-memeber
And how do you know he updated it?
Sooperaya just accepted me right now and made me mod.:)
1. After I got banned yesterday I've started using optifine. 2. I'm not spamming this thread:cool:
I don't mind if I get banned if it is a correct ban but this is a very old ban report.
I don't hack and sooperaya also knows that I don't hack.
Ok I am confident he will override it.