i have 80 messages can i be admin
itchynosehair is an icon
sry :(
i went on mv creative with tuber and we created a roleplay of a school (with a fun party place for teachers above the classroom) next to a prison...
omg mj i'm so proud of you for taking over <3 please demote boba
omg congrats mamas
can't wait to see myself in red
u look kind of cute in green
thank you for your amazing service janice<3
JANICE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH i’m so proud of everything you’ve done. thank you for being you<3
ur the jan to my verse
ur the mona to my lisa
ur the light to my bulb
ur the good to my plan
ur the honey to my bee
ur the home to my work
ur the go to my gurt
ur the slay to my mamas
i can't even catch a break from you on mineverse wtf