If you search up "Songs of the summer 2017" these are the best and first few that pop up.
Any time bb <3
Wilbur Wright
Poking is the best way to go if you have nothing to talk about.
You were incorrect, its was 3. And my guess is number 1 being the lie. 1. I have played Call of Duty 2. I have played GTA. 3. I have played...
We start with the letter "A". The person names a celebrity that starts with the letter A. The next person names a celebrity with the letter...
Need more ideas of forums to post. Where can I find some..
You were correct! 1. My battery is currently on 20%. 2. I'm not a virgin (sorry for the inappropriateness) 3. I have 2 sisters.
Here's how the game works. One person will name a tv show or movie, and once they do, everyone commenting must have a conversation about the...
It was 6PM for me. The lie was that I hate criminal tv shows. 1. My Dog is small 2. My Dog is big 3. I play minecraft
no problemo nub
oh wow its a gilly <3
Sometimes, usually without my contacts in, I'll stare at one place and keep my eyes open. My vision will get blurry, and I'll hear static, and...
Ah, that makes sense. It's 6 PM right now. I hate criminal tv shows. I watch The Office.
Alright, thank you very much!
You're correct. Lie is "I've had starbucks at least once" I'm allergic to flour. I have fish that die constantly. I have a titan rank.
How can you possibly have five cats?
I have 5 cats Lie ^ I watch Supernatural. Some cats actually like me. My favorite color is red.
My grammar sucks tyvm. And ty.