Hi! I think we need to update Skywars chests because of the new maps because it's kind of hard for some of these things to be playable without...
Ye better not still hate me -.- I ain't full of sh*t
and I'm your Nightmare >;3
U wot m8?
Same here lol
I'm going to be in China :> But I normally play on Mineverse/Skyblock all day. "Son get off the f*cking computer!" I'M READNG A BOOK AND IF THAT...
:facepalm: But we had been fighting them BEFORE on the ground not just "oh the Japs are evil let's bomb them out with nukes" I just said that….
That is because the people infected are spreading it to other people. NOT one person spreading it to 8-10 people -.-
"ISIS is not a real representation of Islam" "You old geezer!" Right. We're gonna fight ISIS. We are. We're going to fight in a court of f***ing...
We should be more worried about the respiratory virus! Ebola infects only two people! And thats from things like sneezing on them, bleeding on...
Since ah…. I'd say most likely June I think
*Foxy peeks from the door* Nope get outta here! *shuts door* Oh no I killed him
Daz new. Obviously I'm not a Batman fan.
I only ever make it fit the steve template ._. I don't know how to do anything else >.> But I'll get this done ASAP
You know Superman would fail! Batman was Swag, Superman has anger issues. Batman is a human superhero, making him seem like a more plausible...
I don't know. Everyone who is my buddy is my best buddy. Except for IRL. My Friend Javier is my best irl buddy. But all of my MC friends are mah...
Making skins again! Form: Male/Female/Different Specimen Describe what ye want it Do ya want it Sexi? No or no? :t ( this isn't a question though...