I need a new computer .-.
This reminds me of Indian microsoft :rolleyes:
Youtube broke </3 D: ;-;
http://gifdanceparty.giphy.com/ <3
Christianity. My mum is protestant and my dad is Catholic soooooooooo….
#Hater4life :3
Last time I used /suicide was when I jumped off my idiotically high house. ._.
I've been going inactive so much… I'm thinking of quitting. <3
Heyyyy stranger
There was knockback. I don't know about Kill aura, but I don't know what hacks do what :P Whoever banned should probably of checked other cases?
Wat. What do you mean D: Fien. I will kill you nao. [IMG]
Do me liek one of your KFC chicken baskets
That just… MUUUM
Docked. Do I get cookies if I do this? :3
Oh have dey now? I um.. Have tots been on so much on skywars. I just didn't know :p
But Support.
But wouldn't we need a updated chest with pickaxes?
Good bye, I don't think I ever met you, but I'm sad to see you go. :(
Homework (hoʊmwɜːrk) The practice of torture for children from ages 5-18.
What's so funny ._.