I wus wundering afta all des yersa you'd like to me-ta.
1.) Hotshotgundalek 2.) MacPlays_, QueenOfPigs, TheCutieGirl172, ItsRaachel 3. Broke rules concerning hacks, used glide, killaura, (killaura...
What is with these tbh threads ;;
I opened this because I wanted to see cyp naked. ;p; I've got his photo though. somewhere :o
There goes 3 minutes of my f*****g life. Thanks @Somebody -.-
1,377 alerts gone in a poof of smoke as soon as I get online.
rofile <3
[ATTACH] @larrythebird101
Stupid thing. Why u now uplud D:
[ATTACH] Oh my. 911.
No, I voted, only got $15 in skywars but no /kit skyknight in game. :/
I know. I made a mistake :P But this does not answer my question..
Uh, may I come in sir?
Hi, when I vote for MV when offline/in lobby, I get given $15 Skybucks, and /kit skyknight. However,when I jump into a game I lose it. I only have...
Net nub? :o Welcome
How do I have 8 negatives when I only have 2… ._.
Easter is about Jesus rising from the grave, not candy and all that bulls***. America and the world is so commercialized and sacrilegious...