Thank you very much! =)
I always belived in you, And I still do, =)
Okay, Lets get ready for easter :P
Netrual I seen you ingame alot, But not on alot of servers. I only see you on creative most of the time, 1. You need more information and maybe...
So I can finally go on creative, so then so I open my inventory and it crashes my game still, and when I go near a other player they claim that...
It's time limited, Please let a mod knowing that I need this locked and archived, Thanks!
You don't want to be too soft, you need to be hard inside too. You need to keep your calm and remember, this is a big thing, even if you do get...
I already have the item..
But can you buy the clear inventory Atm?
so I go on creative and I talk to my friends, this guy sends me a mc request to tp, I tp and see dispensers everywhere and my game crashed. Can...
You were a good staff while it last, I'm in tears. Thank you so much for your services
Your welcome Your welcome Your welcome too I can see that but I hope you can re-join the staff team and enter your new chapter of your joruney,...
Stay on topic please
Please keep this on topic.. Like @MrPronounce said ^^^ Thank you!
Your welcome!;)
No problem, You deserve it! =)