Is the black hole the sphere in the bedrock or isn't there one?
Donation ranks such as premium and V.I.P. cost little but they contribute to the total income made from the server. Money made from the users goes...
They don't really; morality does that. I could use a hacked client but I don't because I believe it's wrong.
I really like the appearance of your application, but I feel you aren't qualified enough for the position your applying for.
What is my rule? Post a next series of numbers that you think follow the rule. I will tell you if it follows my rule or not.
"No support."
In my books, god does not exist. I think you are too immature. -1
I hope that was sarcasm. But you disagreed with him... Oh my god.
Why does everyone say they are learning Spanish... +1
I like to think that Mineverse and Minetime mean space and time, with Noobcrew staff on both the servers. Mineverse looks more appealing than...
Okay, I believe you now. +1
You're not either 23 nor female.
Well too bad. That is what happens when you apply for a position here. You will stand out because you have power. I call you a good person,...
OP'd on 2-3 small servers. All shut down. So you knew the owner(s) of the 2-3 servers. If so you cannot say you have moderating experience on a...
Makes sense that you're an officer, you like to have power, to control people. That is not always a bad trait, judging from your history you can...
Thank you all for the welcoming.
+1 Don't judge a cat if you've never seen one.