Then StackerJr, Try What Dyna Mighty said and uninstalling your clients/mods and if that did not work then try checking your internet connection...
Come Join us tommorow at 6pm (EST) For Some Night PvP
Yeah, I recently got back into the forums, And wanted to help the economic.
Rip. XxN1tr0
Oh ok thanks
How do you play Infection? This is how. You can level up by collecting exp from killing Zombies (Chainmal Armour). Every round the game randomly...
I'm Pretty sure on the shop, those items (Spawners,Crates) relate to The *Skyblock* Server and not HellBlock. I'm Not 100% sure. Don't hold me on...
Try Fixing your Internet Connection and that should make your game a lot less laggy.
Good Morning!!
Pizza Pizza Pizza Pizza I need Pizza
Come join me on OP Pvp!
Come join me on OP Pvp!!