Ugh... but you were so good!
RyZe clan. Owner: Me. Co-Owner- Apply, or pay me $1500 in Kit PvP. Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Apply to get mod or pay me 500$ on Kit PvP. Apply IGN:...
Ok, title says it all. Willing to give a bit of stuff on each server.
Yea, but did you ask cyp or something?
How did you get builder? :o
Gg on 5000 posts
Ok, but how about state the REASON so I know what to work on?
Good luck with this. I'll try drawing something from an event at my town.
Could I please get survival?
30 best
Sorry but your sort of judging me by my skyblock meltdown
I have Skype and ts, 2 weeks, 50, and 2fa
Thank you all for your feedback <3
Your app: How old are you? 15 Your in-game name: My IGN is currently TheChainHoe but these are my past names : TheChainShovel/TheChainPickAxe/You...
No, your wrong.
Stop arguing with me. Its a no.
Mod app published :D
Hey! I remember you from SB!
Hey there Trixie!
I can. It isn't the right size, its far too small. Sorry.