Hello, bumper cars!
Can you come on?
Okay :D
Are you on dubtrack rn
Dubtrack Name? ArchieFromMV How long have you been using Dubtrack? For absolutely ages. I used it with my soundcloud account and joined the...
On that I got 70k, dude you couldn't do that. If you cant get any bigger than 2.5k, then you have to split. Say you get 50 of them, you would be...
Okay, this was me 10 days before my 10th birthday, and to me this day was legendary. [MEDIA] Fair enough, it was a SLIGHTLY modded server but this...
Hellooo, nic--Oops, I mean hello Cookie. Nice to meet you. Thank goodness your not the size of me otherwise you'd be dead by now. Its good that...
Tag yourself: @ArchiePlaysCOD In game name: Scotlandd Past in game names: ArchiePlaysCOD, ArchieTheRocker, Cypriotsmerkz and Archie_Playz_MC Top...
Oh dear. Just copy and pasted them off a list. fml
Love island, masterchef (LOL), I'm a celebrity: Get me out of here!.
Oh lol.
She wasn't promoted?
You hardly thanked me when I gave you all my stuff
Gizz, please may I get your skygrid stuff?
Your so ungrateful.
If I get unbanned can I get your stuff? I have always been really nice to you :)
Your forums account name: ArchiePlaysCOD The offender's forums account name (link to profile): @speedybuilder100 A description of what rule they...